Raspunsul: incerc pe cat posibil sa modific ceva la acele floricele, cum ar fi culoarea, forma petalelor, grosimea lor, centrul florii, finisajul final: cu lac lucios, satinat sau fara, cu anumite elemente atsate.
As I said before, I do not like to make roses....but if I am asked for them, I can not say NO. The saddest part for me is that people ask for the same they have seen before made by me, but because I do not want to do the same thing 2 times, I always get to this dilemma: do I disappoint some of my clients or do I disappoint myself?Answer: I try as good as possible to change some small elements that define the roses: the form of the petal, the thickness, the color, the texture, the ending using a gloss, or not?
De curand am fost rugata sa fac mai multi trandafirasi negri si mici, am incercat pe cat posibil sa nu reproduc originalul si sa creez alte forme. A functionat?
Not long ago I was asked to remake the black little roses, I tried to create new forms, in order to not reproduce the original, did it work? Am mai fost rugata sa fac acesti trandafiri cu albastru si negru, ce spuneti? sunt putin diferiti sau nu?
I was also asked to make the blue and black roses a few times again, are they different? Si daca tot am inceput sa ma joc in aceste floricele, m-am hotarat sa fac cava diferit, texturi diferite, grosimi si forme, acum urmeaza urmatoarea parte a creatiei: ce fac cu ele?
daca vreti sa faceti parte din procesul de creativitate al prodselor mele, postati va rog sugestiile voastre.
Va multumesc.
And if I already started to play with flowers, I decided to do something different, textures, thicknesses and forms, unusual until now for me. And now the second creative part of my work: what to do with them?
If you would like to take part in the creative process, please suggest your ideas.
Roses are red
RăspundețiȘtergereViolets are blue
Honey is sweet
And so are you!!!
Imi plac foarte mult trandafirasii in special combinatia de negru cu albastru. Ai stil! :) Tine-o tot asa!
Multumesc mult Anca, si acum...vreo sugestie? legat de florile mov? in ce forma crezi ca ar arata bine? coler cu o piesa in mijloc? cercei lungi, brosa?
RăspundețiȘtergeretrandafirii cu albastru si negru sunt foarte reusiti. cel din mijloc imi place la nebunie cum a iesit :))
RăspundețiȘtergeresi cei cu verde si negru, dar stii deja ca am o slabiciune pentru verdele ala :D