Hobby-ul meu este lutul polimeric, lucrez cu el de cate ori am posibilitatea si incerc sa creez lucruri noi, speciale, diferite fata de ce am vazut pe la noi.
In Sibiu sunt multe persoane care lucreaza cu acest material. Am vazut si eu anumite bijuterii create de unii dintre ei dar in general am fost dezamagita: amprente, bijuterii nefinisate, cand se gaseste un model care prinde la public se copiaza si apoi e creat in cantitati mari, nimic nu e special. Asa ca am inceput sa ma documentez: ce inseamna acest material, cum se lucreaza cu el, scule necesare, tehnici mai mult sau mai putin speciale. Cautand pe internet am gasit artisti, oameni care au ridicat la nivel de arta acest material. Intr-o postare viitoare o sa scriu si despre cei care m-au impresionat cel mai mult.
Lucrez in acest material cu scopul de a avansa treptat pana o sa ajung la un nivel care sa poata impresiona cat mai multi oameni. Vreu sa imi gasesc propriul stiu, pentru ca atunci cand cineva o sa vada o ceratie de-a mea sa imi recunoasca design-ul.
Stiu ca drumul e lung, si ca o sa am mereu cate ceva de invatat, dar sunt pregatita sa demonstrez ca pot.
Pentru inceput o sa pun cateva poze cu piese de care sunt putin mandra.
Daca aveti ceva de spus in legatura cu acestea va rog sa comentati.
Hi, I'm Andreea.My hobby is polymer clay and I work whenever I can, and try to create something new, special, different from what I have seen until now around here.
In Sibiu there are many people who work with this material. I've seen jewelry created by some of them but I was disappointed: finger prints, unfinished jewelry, probably they never heard of buffing. When there is a model that takes to the public it's created in large quantities, there is nothing special. So I started documenting what this material is, how to work with it the necessary tools, techniques more or less special. Searching the internet I found artists, people who have raised the material to an art level. In a future post I'll write about those who have impressed me most.
I work in order to move up gradually to reach a level that can impress more and more people. I want to discover my own style, so that when people see my stuff, they will know it's my design.
I know the road is long and hard, but I am ready to proof that I can do it.
To begin I will post a few pictures of pieces that I am a little proud of.
If you have any comments about them please do share it:good or bad.
Printre primele incercari cu noul material
Among the first attempts with new material
Mihaela, o colega, care e noua lor posesoare, nu poarta pandantive, asa ca i-am creat un inel din aceal pandantiv
Mihaela, a colleague of mine, doesn't wear pendants, so I created a ring out of that pendant piece
Primele culori folosite la joaca au fost alb, negru si rosu
The colors that I started to use for the first time were: white, black and red
Am descoperit tehnica swirl, o ador
I have discovered the swirl technique
I just love it
Combinatii de culori noi
New color combination
Tot swirl dar folosit in alt mod
Still swirl but used in a different way
Iulia, una dintre cele mai bune prietene a vrut niste trandafirasi mov, dar am surprins-o cu altceva, si i-au placut mai mult ;)
Iulia, one of my best friends wanted some purple roses, but instead I surprised her with these little swirls and she loved them even more
M-a ajuns si craciunul pe cand ma jucam cu FIMO
It got to be Christmas while I was playing with polymer clay (FIMO)
Tot in perioada craciunului am facut
"perlute de ciocolata"
During that time I also made some
"chocolate pearls"
O prietena draga mie a insistat sa ii fac niste trandafirasi, am cedat si am executat, acum fac mereu floricele la cererea prietenelor si de fiecare data incerc sa schimb ceva la ei
A dear friend of mine insisted that I should make for her some roses, I decided to do that and after it, I couldn't get rid of the roses, a lot of girls want them and now I am trying to make them different every time
Am ajuns sa fac si negri, si ii ador
I have gotten to do even black onces and I adore them
Nu pot sa scap de facut trandafirasi :P
I can't get rid of making roses :P

Unii au vrut si breloc de chei, combinatia aceasta de culori m-a innebunit
Some wanted key chains, this color combination is just perfect
Pentru prima postare de pe blog, cred ca e suficient.
For my first post on my blog, I think this is enough.
Imi plac bijuteriile tale, esti foarte talentata si creativa.
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc Anca